I may have perfected my favourite fall breakfast! It is apple season and the best thing to use apples in is breakfast and dessert! So I created the best apple fall breakfast!
Let 1/3 cup of quinoa, 1/3 cup of rice and 1/3 of a cup of buckwheat soak in 2 cups of water overnight
Then pour all of it (including the water) in a blender and add 2 tsps of cinnamon, ¼ cup of ground flax seeds and blend until smooth.
Then pour into a bowl and mix in ¼ cup of sorghum flour and 2 tbsps of coconut sugar.
Cut up a small apple into tiny cube pieces…skin on or off up to you!
Crush up walnuts into small pieces
Pour mix into frying pan (size is up to you) and place apple pieces and sprinkle walnuts into the batter before it cooks all the way through and flip when ready. (which is when pancake is almost cooked all the way through) Warning, after being flipped apples may slightly stick to the pan so don't leave them on the flipped side too long.
Topping: In a separate bowl add all left over apple junks, crushed up walnuts and 2 tbsp of maple syrup mix in together and pour on top of your pancakes
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